Friday, February 17, 2012

Second Grade in Spanish

Second grade students continued working on their Body Part Caricature Projects! They drew themselves or another person as a character, colored, and labeled the body parts in Spanish!

Middle School Spanish

Middle Schools started working on a Diamante Poem to describe themselves this week using the adjectives they have been learning in Chapter 1B.

Third Grade House Project in Spanish class

Third graders continued working on their House Project this week. They are designing their own house and then making a For Sale Poster in Spanish. This week they started creating their rough draft poster which includes the following things in Spanish: the price, how many floors the house is, the rooms in the house, where some of the rooms are located in the house, and what chores a person can do throughout the house.

MS Music- "Ohhhh the Working Gnomes"

Middle School enjoyed this pass/take game and chant! Students take and pass the stick while singing the "Working Gnome" chant. During the "tigga-tagga" portion, students drum on the floor and recover the unpassed sticks, making sure everyone has one. It's a fun game that's great for coordination, teamwork and awareness. The tune does tend to linger in one's head as well!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

CHA PE: Pirates Ahoy!

Second and Third grade students had a great time playing "Scooter Ships" this past week. This very active game requires students to work together in small teams to build a ship and collect the "Pirate Booty". All classes worked hard on good teamwork skills--successfully sailing across the sea and collecting thier treasure!

Also featured, Third grade students in a huddle coming up with their strategy for Team Pin Down on the field.

Friday, February 10, 2012

MS Tech

Middle School students are going to build web pages about the Revolutionary War or Body Systems. This week the students started designing the layouts for their websites, and after a brain storming session they chose which template they will use and mapped out the content of their websites, using text text to describe color, images and content.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

1st Grade Music- They Got the Beat!

First graders have been chippin' away at their musical "E-I-E-I-Oops!" The last tune, "The Whole Barnyard is Singin" has a steady beat and a country flavor. Students practiced drawing quarter notes and eighth notes. Quack, quack, oink!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PE: Team Pin Down

All classes on Wednesday had fun in the sun playing Team Pin Down. This game encourages teamwork and good sportsmanship. Also, one creative 5th grader fashions a bow and arrow out of a swim noodle and an elastic strap!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The CHA Soul Train

Fourth Graders learned how the popular television show "Soul Train" bridged the races back in the 70's and 80's. Everyone watched the dance and clothing styles as well as listened to what was hot in R&B. Fourth Graders performed their own rendition of the popular Soul Train dance line. Stay tuned for more African American History this month!

Ella Fitzgerald teaches us to SCAT!

The CHA Kindergarten SCATTERS! Today we leaned about Ella Fitzgerald, the Queen of Scat. We read the book "Ella Fitzgerald: The Tale of a Vocal Virtuosa". We also watched a video clip of the Queen herself.

Stay tuned for more African American History this month!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Farm Animals with the First graders

First grade students have been learning the names of different Farm Animals in Spanish. They are currently working on their very own Farm Animal Popcicle Stick Puppets and have also been learning "El granjero", a Spanish version of the Old MacDonald song.

2nd graders learning the Body Parts in Spanish

Second graders have begun learning the different body parts in Spanish. Last week they worked on their vocabulary sheets, and this week they started their Caricature Body Sketch Project. They also began learning the song "Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies", the Spanish version of "Head, shoulders, knees and toes (feet in the Spanish version)".

Middle School Interviews Boeing's Wendy Lacy

Middle school students did a great job with their press conference today. They interviewed Boeing Test Program Manager Wendy Lacy. They asked great questions and conducted themselves professionally. We will begin writing our news stories in the upcoming weeks.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2nd Grade Music- Sing Sing Sing...drum?!?!

Students have been hard at work for musicals. We are off to a great start! Pictured here, 2nd graders take a quick break from their songs with a quick jam on the drums. Rat-a-tat tat!

MS Tech

As part of their Web Design unit the middle school students (plus a couple of non-skiing 4th Graders) had their first go at writing html code. Some of them enjoyed the experience more than others, but I was so excited that they all managed to write enough code to create a colored page with colored, resized, italicized writing that I took a photo of the students with their pages. Many were relieved to hear that when they make their real web pages we will be using Expression Web to generate the html code! Special thanks to Jack and Cameron who got deputized as Technology Assistants and where able to help their classmates!