Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fun with Balls and Parachutes

Kindergarten and First Grade students played "Sailors and Sharks"today week in PE. This is a fun tag game with lot's of running involved! Students then had fun with various types of balls and mini-parachutes. Activities involved a great deal of sharing and creativity.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cross a Bridge

For the past few weeks, 2nd and 3rd graders learned about different kinds of bridges: Beam Bridges, Arch Bridges, Truss Bridges, Draw Bridges, Pontoon Bridges and Suspension Bridges. After we read "Cross a Bridge" by Ryan Ann Hunter, we built our own bridges with wooden sticks, wooden clothpins, glue and some scrap paper.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Move Over, Mr. Mozart!

In music, grades 2-4 have been working with partners to create their own melodies on pitched percussion instruments. Students have also started singing some Spooky Tunes for the upcoming holiday! Beware of "Skin and Bones," "The Ghost of Tom," and "There Was an Old Witch."

Sugar Skulls!

Fourth graders and Middle School students talked about Dia de los Muertos and began their Day of the Dead project of making sugar skulls. They are very excited to decorate them with frosting next week!


Kindergarten through second grade read a special edition of National Geographic this week. We learned all about SPIDERS! Surprisingly, we had the chance to view a spider up close, too. Students also learned where to find spider books in the library!

Third Grade Naturalists!

Third Graders spent more time outside this week! They are practicing to be young naturalists, just like the character, Calpurnia Tate, in the book The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate. Third graders are learning how to obverve and not disturb nature. We are writing our observations down in our special naturalist's notebook.

Dia de los Muertos projects! Ole!

Last week, students worked on Dia de los Muertos projects. Kindergarten made pasta skeletons, first and second grade made smiling skeletons of themselves, and third grade made clay sugar skulls!

Their projects turned out great!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Big Ball Soccer

Middle School students and Third Graders had an adventurous time playing "Big Ball Soccer" in PE. Students discovered what it felt like playing soccer with a very large bouncy ball, a medium size bouncy ball and then a traditional soccer ball. This led to a discussion on skill specificity in sport.

Third Grade Tech

Third Grade students created Calligrams using MS Word. The idea is that by changing the style, size or color of a font you can depict the meaning of a word, for example for little you would choose a small size, for squashed you would choose a condensed or compressed font. They had a lot of fun and came up with some quite creative solutions. When they were finished they got to play , a game where you score points by guessing whether a given word is the name of a font or a type of cheese. Try it yourself and let me know how you get on!

Friday, October 14, 2011

There's a Roller Coaster...At the Bottom of the Sea?!?

In music, K-1 students have been working on voice development and singing a lot of songs. Pictured at the far right, Kindergarten students warm up their singing voices with a ride on the Vocal Roller Coaster. The leader (the driver) draws the track on the board, then riders hum up and down. To the middle and left, the long First Grade Fish swims around the room, picking up the remaining seaweed in the fun Danish singing game called "At the Bottom of the Sea."

Coach Aberle and Ms. Choi Synergize!!

There are a few new faces in the gym this week! Fourth grade students made cut-outs of themselves and we hung them in the gym. Students will be learning the names of the muscular system over the next few months and using their cut-outs to write the names of the muscles.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Newell's Class Says "HORRAY!" for Library Books!

After reviewing the difference between fiction and nonfiction, these first graders were excited to choose a book. Please remember that library books are now due weekly.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Second Grade Technology

In Second Grade students have been learning that they can combine the outputs of two programs to create a finished product. In week one, using Word, they had to add adjectives to a paragraph about The Three Bears (this helps them practice editing text) and in week two they created a drawing to accompany the text using the Paint program (and if you haven't tried drawing on a computer yet, you should - it is harder than it seems - hence the looks of concentration!). Finally we used the snipping tool to add the picture to the text. The finished work will be up on display in the Tech Lab by the end of the week.

First Grade Goes "Ape" in PE!!

First Grade students had fun playing "Animal Tag" in PE today. We have some very creative students this year. The game involved each team picking an animal and acting out that animal for the other group to guess (at which point there was a tag element to the activity). We had all manner of living creatures conjured up! From cheetah's to narwhals to King Cobra's to plankton--non-stop smiles all day long! I was incredibly impressed the imaginative spirits of all classes!

Keith Haring inspired Art

We learned about Contemporary Pop Artist, Keith Haring and his graphic design. Though the symbols he used seem simple, Keith Haring's art deal with universal themes--love, war, birth, and death. "I wanted people to be affected and challenged and inspired by a work of art."--Keith Haring
2nd,3rd and Middle School students
made sketches with simplified shapes, figures, and words about "7 Habits" and painted with primary and secondary colors.
Some of the 2nd graders said: "Mrs. Choi! we are going to work on Habit 6--Synergize (Together is Better). We are working together to make a better one."

Friday, October 7, 2011

Dónde está la pegatina?

Third graders reviewed bedroom vocabulary this week by playing the game, "Donde esta la pegatina?" or "Where is the sticker?".


This week students in Grades 2 through 4 have been practising their word processing skills in Microsoft Word. Second Graders practiced changing the insertion point by adding adjectives to a paragraph about Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Third Graders practised their editing skills by adding the punctuation that was missing from a paragraph about Ellen and her friend Penguin, and Fourth Graders learned to drag & drop or cut & paste text by rearranging the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They were also able to use Microsoft Paint to create an illustration to accompany the text.

Kindergarten students have been getting to grips with the Kid Pix drawing program in readiness for a project they will be starting soon. This week they practiced using the wiggly line, shape drawing  and flood fill tools. Meanwhile First Grade students got their first taste of Word when they used it to type up their spelling words, with most of them also managing to change the color of the text as well. Meanwhile Middle school students got a crash course reminder on how to create a PowerPoint presentation in order to prepare them for the biography project they are working on with Ms. James.

Rock Wall Madness in PE

Kindergarten students have fun learning climbing skills on the rock wall. Kids are natural climbers-and this year's Kindergarten classes are no exception! Students learned proper climbing skills and climbing wall etiquette.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

4th Graders "Let It Go-Go" in Music

4th Graders have been working with recorders and guitars in Music. Today we changed gears and learned a tune called "I Let Her Go." Students stood in a circle each facing a partner. The tune features several clap patterns and turns that leave students dizzy after twirling and jumping both within and around the circle, continuously changing partners. Fun game!