Friday, March 29, 2013
"Maestro...if you please!"
Seattle Cityscape
After we made textured background, we added the Space Needle and other fun buildings.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Animals in Spanish - K
Kindergartners have been learning the names of Animals in Spanish. This week they created an Animals Circle Map.
Circle Maps in 1st grade
4th graders conjugating verbs in Spanish
Fourth graders have been working on learning how to conjugate verbs in Spanish. They played a conjugating verbs dice game with a partner, as well as created hands with verb conjugations.
Yo hablo (I
Tú hablas
(You talk)
habla (He/She/You talk)
(as) hablamos (We talk)
Ellas/ ustedes hablan (They talk/ You all talk)
Sharing Our Writing
Each year in June, students receive a copy of CHAnticleer, the student-created anthology of their writing. This week in library, we talked about good writing, types of writing, and shared examples of past student writing using circle maps. Younger students also heard the book Rocket Writes a Story by Tad Hills. In the next few weeks, students will be editing and revising their CHAnticleer stories for submission.
Penguin PowerPoint Presentations
For those parents who haven't viewed their child's penguin PowerPoint presentation, please click on the link below. The children worked hard on these and are very proud of their work.
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There is no need to create an account or sign in!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Turtle Power!
Second Grade students are going to be having a go at coding. Today we started with a little logo programming. Students all had a go at drawing a square. By modifying the demo code, Julia took this a step further and created this beautiful pattern. If they want to have a go at home you can try it here - Just scroll down to Turtle Programming. Next week we start learning Scratch, and Aubrey is going to help me teach it!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Clay Dragon Sculpture
For the past few weeks, 3rd and 4th grade students had a great time working on the clay dragon sculptures and their creation turned out GREAT!!!
"La la la la la, we'll listen to the instruments and see which ones we know!"
1st graders refined a few songs from their musical "Lemonade", and also attended a Kindergarten musical rehearsal. They were a great audience. 2nd graders made it to a 4th grade full rehearsal as well. It's great to see students involved with other grades musicals.
Pictured here in 1st grade, we sang the familiar folk tune "A-Hunting We Will Go", and students hunted down some small percussion instruments...some familiar and others of which weren't as familiar! In February, grades K-2 had a short discussion on Black) History Month, with examples such as Louis Armstrong and various Motown songs as well. Grade 2 has been singing/visualizing Do-Re-Mi, with some ear-training examples to boot. Many students in all grades have made strides with their use and understanding of solfege (Do-Re-Mi etc..) with hand motions, and we continue to use the method in games, vocal warmups and cleaning songs for musicals as well. Our students are working very hard and I can't wait to see them perform in April!
Pictured here in 1st grade, we sang the familiar folk tune "A-Hunting We Will Go", and students hunted down some small percussion instruments...some familiar and others of which weren't as familiar! In February, grades K-2 had a short discussion on Black) History Month, with examples such as Louis Armstrong and various Motown songs as well. Grade 2 has been singing/visualizing Do-Re-Mi, with some ear-training examples to boot. Many students in all grades have made strides with their use and understanding of solfege (Do-Re-Mi etc..) with hand motions, and we continue to use the method in games, vocal warmups and cleaning songs for musicals as well. Our students are working very hard and I can't wait to see them perform in April!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
4th Grade Tech
Congratulations to Sydney and Lidya our most recent graduates of the Type to Learn 3 program. Excellent work girls!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
K-4th PE
The end of the second trimester has arrived, which means that we're getting geared up for a great final trimester for this 2012-2013 school year! This week our students played games of Island Monster and Softball. In celebration of Pi Day, we also took out the parachute for some games and activities on Thursday as well. Enjoy the 3-day weekend!
Friday, March 8, 2013
K music
Kindergarten students enjoyed some free choice time between rehearsals for their musical "3 Nanny Goats Gruff." Here, a group has a go at the piano!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
K-4th PE
What great fortune we had this week, soaking up a few days of sunshine! Most of our classes were able to take advantage of the weather and play our softball games outside. It was wonderful seeing the improvement in everyone's swing, throwing and catching over the last two weeks. Here's a shot of one of the batters during a 3rd grade game of softball. Have a fantastic weekend!
Using an Atlas
Students in first, second, and third grade have been working with various types of atlases found in the CHA library. Working individually or in small groups, they have been learning new mapping skills such as the difference between political and physical maps and how to read a map key.
Friday, March 1, 2013
" Clap and sing along...with the Most Sensational, Intergenerational, Good Time Fam'ly Band!!! "
Come Join the 4th Grade Family Band as they prepare for the rip-roaring Broadway-esque revue "A Kid's Life," that has a song, dance, and instrument for everyone. Meet Grandpa and Grandma as they help the family cope with the disaster of a power-outage, resorting to more traditional means of entertainment, such as board games, story telling, singing, dancing, and jump-roping. 4th grade is doing a wonderful job with this more difficult musical, and it's fun to see them sing and dance. It will be great to see them perform in April, at a local Kirkland Performance Center near you!
K-4th PE
The month of March has finally arrived. This week, all grade levels began a 2-week softball unit. We broke down the different steps to swinging a softball bat and then attempted to hit a whiffleball. In addition, the students also had the opportunity to field whiffleballs that were hit either on the ground or in the air. A kindergarten class fielding ground balls can be seen above. Have a great weekend!
Body Parts in Second Grade
Second graders have been learning the names of Body Parts in Spanish and have started a Monster Project this week. They have also learned "Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies" (Head, shoulders, knees, feet) in Spanish, as well as "La cabeza, me duele la cabeza". There is a short clip of two second graders leading this song in class.
First Grade Farm Animal Presentations
This week first grade students presented their Farm Animal Speeches in class. They were excited to show everyone their Farm Animal Puppet and relay information to the class about their animal in Spanish. Below you can view two of the presentations!
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