Monday, November 25, 2013
Supermercado in First Grade
First grade students are having fun leading calendar in Spanish. They are also practicing with "Cuanto cuesta" to ask how much something costs and we have started setting up our "Supermercado" to sell our fruits and vegetables. First grade students are very excited to set up the supermercado!
Third Grade Finishing up Bedroom Unit
Friday, November 22, 2013
K-3 Music: Takin' It Back to the "Old School" When Times were So Cool, with selections from the "Blue Moo."
Younger students have been doing a lot of voice exploration and vocal development in music. We've been working on pitch and projection while singing songs for upcoming performances. 5th grade has been working on a Guatemalan marimba song, and students are coming a long way with their mallet technique. Here a 1st grade class warming up with the "voice-parachute."

It's fun to take a singing break with 'hits from way back never,' via the Blue Moo Jukebox. It features bands and singers from past decades, in a variety of styles and genres. Some favorites include Christopher Kale Jones, The Uninvited Loud Precision Band, The Sparklets, and John Ondrasik. It's fun to see which students/grades like which songs.
"Do you wonder how a cow can touch your heart and soul? I don't know, but anyhow, it's what they call Rock-and Roll."
It's fun to take a singing break with 'hits from way back never,' via the Blue Moo Jukebox. It features bands and singers from past decades, in a variety of styles and genres. Some favorites include Christopher Kale Jones, The Uninvited Loud Precision Band, The Sparklets, and John Ondrasik. It's fun to see which students/grades like which songs.
"Do you wonder how a cow can touch your heart and soul? I don't know, but anyhow, it's what they call Rock-and Roll."
The main focus of our PE classes this week was using teamwork to the best of our abilities! We did a variety of activities, from juggling balls in small groups, to passing hula hoops around in a circle while holding hands. Below is a picture of our 5th graders, who are linked to each other's arms, desperately trying to stand up together without breaking the grasp between arms. I'm happy to report that they eventually found success! Have a great fall weekend.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
3rd--Chihuly-inspired Painting
This week in Art class, 3rd grade students had a great time learning about Dale Chihuly and working on the Chihuly-inspired painting.
Chihuly is well know for his glass works but his paintings and his painting style is also impressive.
To mimic Chihuly’s style of painting we layered paint on to canvas through several steps.
Each one ended up so different and the kids really enjoyed applying each different layer.
Rainbow Fish in Kindergarten
Kindergarten students in Library and Technology have been focusing around the character Rainbow Fish. We have been reading various books starring this unique fish and playing a problem-solving game in Technology called "Rainbow Fish and the Whale." Rainbow Fish and his friends have be swallowed by a hiccupping whale! It is Rainbow Fish's job to free his friends. Students must use their mouse to help Rainbow Fish with this task. It's challenging for some of the students, but they do enjoy it when they accomplish a task!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Meet Mikio - Master Agent!
I am delighted to announce that CHA 5th Grader Mikio today completed Type to Learn 4 - Agents of Information. As students progress through the program they are promoted to different grades, with Master Agent being the ultimate accomplishment. Mikio has put a lot of effort into his keyboarding to achieve this goal. Congratulations Mikio!
Friday, November 15, 2013
A bit of a mixed week in Technology!
1st Grade Music-Engine Engine!
This week in music, grades 1 and 2 added "My Country 'Tis of Thee" to their list of patriotic songs. In all grades, we started introducing and practicing songs for the Festival of Peace and Light in December. Countries students will be studying include:
K- Australia
1-South Africa
1st grade enjoyed a game called "Engine Engine," with a singing train that moves on the track. There were also a few drummers and xylo players that made up the train station. We've been playing "Name that Tune" in K-1, working on review/familiarity with folk songs and nursery rhymes. Happy Friday!
K- Australia
1-South Africa
1st grade enjoyed a game called "Engine Engine," with a singing train that moves on the track. There were also a few drummers and xylo players that made up the train station. We've been playing "Name that Tune" in K-1, working on review/familiarity with folk songs and nursery rhymes. Happy Friday!
This week in PE was all about getting quality exercise with activities involving constant movement. Most of our classes played Pin-Down or took part in a Fitness Stations activity. There were also a couple of classes that were able to complete their monthly run whenever the rain let up on us! Here we can see one of our Kindergarten classes in the midst of a game of Pin-Down. The object of Pin-Down is to knock over other people's bowling pins by throwing or rolling a soft, squishy ball. Have a great weekend CHA!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
4th Filed Trip to Chihuly Garden and Glass
4th grade students had a field trip to the Chihuly Garden and Glass at Seattle Center last Thursday!!
It was so much fun and a great learning experience!
A BIG Thank you to CHAPTER and our parent volunteers.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
5th--Radial Name Design
These colorful designs were created by 5th grade students. Following careful steps, students repeated the letters of his or her name in a radial design and traced it with a permanent marker. The letters reflect and connect with each other forming lots of interesting repeated negative shapes. All of these shapes were carefully colored in with markers and color pencils in a symmetrical pattern. Look closely to see if you can find the names pictured in each design.
Friday, November 8, 2013
3rd Grade Music- Ready..set...Sing...Play!
Happy Veterans Day Weekend CHA! What a great time to reflect on all of the sacrifices put forth by the men and women of our armed services. For PE this week, all of our classes took part in our monthly run (that is, if there wasn't a monsoon going on outside). Aside from that, our focus this week was on fitness. Most of our classes were able to go through a Fitness Stations activity, which saw our students work out their core body muscles and get some quality cardiovascular exercise in as well. Enjoy the three day weekend.
Dewey Decimal System
This week, third graders started learning about how the non-fiction section of the library is organized by working with the Dewey Decimal Classification System. We reviewed a PowerPoint presentation that parallels how a caveman might have viewed his world with the way the books are organized. They also chose books from certain sections and had their peers guess where they found them. Fourth and fifth graders also reviewed this information.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Menus in 2nd grade
Fruits and Veggies in First Grade
First graders are having fun reviewing the fruits and vegetables in Spanish and they loved feeding Marco el monstruo in class.
First graders are also practicing how to say "Me gustaria.." I would like to ask for a specific fruit or vegetable. We are starting to get into our market place vocabulary where students ask "Que le gustaria comprar? (What would you like to buy?) and students need to buy the fruits in vegetables by saying what they would like in Spanish. See the sample video below!
First graders are also practicing how to say "Me gustaria.." I would like to ask for a specific fruit or vegetable. We are starting to get into our market place vocabulary where students ask "Que le gustaria comprar? (What would you like to buy?) and students need to buy the fruits in vegetables by saying what they would like in Spanish. See the sample video below!
Feliz Dia de los Muertos
Last week, students celebrated Dia de los Muertos in Spanish class. They enjoyed sharing happy memories of loved ones that have passed on in their lives and drinking chocolate caliente (hot chocolate). First grade had fun creating skull masks to wear on Dia de los Muertos.

Fourth and Fifth graders had a great time decorating their sugar skulls in class!
Friday, November 1, 2013
Hope everyone enjoyed a fun and safe Halloween night! There were so many great costumes on display at CHA on Thursday; it was truly a sight to behold! This week we participated in some games that worked on our hand-eye coordination with a modified version of bocce ball that we called "Pumpkin Ball." Below we can see one of our second grade classes tossing and observing their throws during a game of Pumpkin Ball. Have a fantastic fall weekend!
Spooks Galore in K-2 Music
Pictured in the middle, 2nd graders sing the spooky tune "Hoo's in the Forest." Students scattered as trees sing louder and softer to help the hunter locate the owl who's been causing mischief in the forest. 3rd grade also revisited the tune!
Here's some shots of the Haunted House transformation. Thank you to all teachers and families for a great Fall Festival! I especially wanted to thank Senora Malewiski and the Specialist team. It is wonderful to work with such a dedicated and talented group!
4th grade Art--Announcing the Winner of Haunted House Collage
Winner of Haunted House Collage goes to ~~~~
( drum rolls~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!)
Judging Criteria:
The Haunted
Houses will be judged based on following:
Exhibit creativity
Artist’s skill in the use of Materials
House points
· Goody
bag from Mrs. Choi
Congratulations Jack!
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